Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM
RFP Negotiations (Part Two)

RFP Negotiations (Part Two)

There’s one main negotiation reason procurement professionals/buyers send out Requests for Proposals (RFPs) – to create leverage by developing better Plan Bs to their Plan A (which is not buying or just sticking with its incumbent). Of course, sellers also seek...
10 Keys to Negotiating Contract Terms (Part Three)

10 Keys to Negotiating Contract Terms (Part Three)

The major deal points for the sale of my client’s company were set. But we still needed to negotiate terms and conditions (Ts and Cs). And both sides needed it done quickly. As a result, my client insisted that we send a draft “final” contract, with very little room...
10 Keys to Negotiating Contract Terms (Part Two)

10 Keys to Negotiating Contract Terms (Part Two)

Years ago, a potential client asked me to help him negotiate and sell some commercial real estate in Phoenix. After he agreed to my fee, I sent him my standard two-page consulting contract to review and sign. Several days later, he suggested we just do this on a...
Counterproductive Negotiation Pressure Tactics

Counterproductive Negotiation Pressure Tactics

I recently contacted a landscape designer to get a bid on our backyard and he came out to explore our thoughts. After checking everything out, he said he would put together his suggestions. He called a few days later and asked me to come to his nursery so he could...
The Value of a Negotiation Apology

The Value of a Negotiation Apology

No one is perfect. And everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are minor, but other times we really mess up. It’s human. Of course, companies mess up, too. So, what can we do, especially if you and/or your company need to repair the relationship and rebuild...