Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

Five Ways to Walk Away From the Table Feeling Good

“How can I make sure my counterpart walks away from the table feeling good about our deal,” a lawyer from one of the world’s largest corporations recently asked me. “I want to get the best deal, but I don’t want to harm the relationship...

Discounts, Fee Negotiations Present Special Challenges

“What should we do when our clients ask for discounts on our fees? We believe our fees are reasonable, and our clients agreed to them at the beginning of our engagement. But we also value our future relationship and don’t want our clients to feel unappreciated or that...

Balancing Planning With Flexibility Is Key

I spent hours preparing and trying to consider all of the strategic factors that would affect our potential partner’s evaluation. I brainstormed with colleagues, tested our presentation on others in the field, and tried to step into his shoes to list his anticipated...

In Tough Economic Times, Negotiate For Best Outcomes

“It’s tough out there, and it’s getting tougher. This economic slump is really affecting our business. We need to be especially focused on our bottom line in our negotiations with vendors, customers and everyone else. So how should we negotiate differently in this...

Financial Crisis Offers Lessons On Negotiation

The recent financial crisis and the negotiations involving Wall Street, the Bush administration, the Federal Reserve and Congress have highlighted a number of critical negotiation lessons. Here are three: Recognize the power of precedent. Bear Stearns’ demise...

Tough Times Require Negotiation Strategy

While effective negotiation strategies almost always directly impact companies’ bottom lines, they often take on even greater importance during tough economic times. What negotiation strategies can be most effectively used in a challenging economy? • Reassess...

Strategy May Help Close Deals

“When will they get back with me?” he asked. “I sent my proposal three weeks ago and haven’t heard anything. (My counterpart) told me everyone was on board with the idea and they were anxious to start. Now nothing.” “What should I...

“Little Guy” Can Make Deals in Tough Times

I’m told one of the world’s largest retailers used to invite potential suppliers to its headquarters and sit them in adjacent conference rooms. Potential supplier A would go in conference room A, potential supplier B in room B, etc. The retailer would first ask...

Negotiation Tips from the Holidays

I made several significant purchases during the holidays (including a car) and these negotiations highlighted four lessons that apply in almost all negotiations. • You have to ask. It’s a basic point, but one that many just don’t do. In most negotiation...