3 Tips for Negotiating With Medical Professionals
My Dad was recovering from emergency surgery to his abdominal area about 8 years ago when one of the hospital’s physicians told us that a blood clot had formed in his arm just below his shoulder. The doctor told us we had two options, neither of them good. She said he...
Negotiation Lessons from Korea’s “Nunchi”
Do you know the Korean concept of “nunchi” and how it can help transform a good negotiator to a great negotiator? I didn’t – until I read the New York Times article “The Korean Secret to Happiness and Success” by author Euny Hong. Nunchi, according to Hong, is...
Shaking Hands Helps in Negotiations
My wife sometimes reminds me to avoid shaking hands with people I meet if they exhibit signs of being sick, like sniffling or coughing. But this is tough for me, as it’s just an ingrained habit I’ve had for 40 years. It turns out that this habit can actually...
To Kill a Mockingbird: An Application of Negotiation Judgment
Our kids tend to be rule-followers, which is perhaps not surprising as my wife and I tend to be more rule-breakers. Not big ones, but I do have a lead foot. I was reminded of this recently when I rewatched the classic movie To Kill a Mockingbird with Gregory Peck,...
Negotiating With College Kids
My son starts college at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois next week. Time flies! As the son of an author, he recently bought a book for my wife and me entitled “The Naked Roommate [For Parents Only]: A Parent’s Guide to the New College Experience.” I...
Do the Right Thing (Part 2)
“Usury” is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates” and can also be used “in a moral sense,” according to Wikipedia, as “condemning taking advantage of others’ misfortunes.” We as a society have even passed laws prohibiting...
Don’t Gouge Your Customers – Even If You Can (Part 1)
Our AC unit recently went on the blink with the temperature in Scottsdale around 115. Yikes! We needed to get it fixed or replaced ASAP. Talk about weak leverage! Fortunately, we found an AC guy willing to come out within a day and fix it. I’ve never been happier to...