Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

Prepare For The Moments That Define The Negotiation

The telephone rang and caller ID showed a number starting with zeros. He was calling from South America and wanted to purchase the rights to something I owned. I was intrigued. The call was undoubtedly pricey, so I figured he must be serious. He was. The opening...

Take Time to Plan Strategy, Negotiate

The vast majority of business professionals and lawyers acknowledge the value of strategic planning. “Of course strategic planning makes sense,” they admit. “We do it all the time, especially in setting our goals.” Yet many of these same...

Make Sure to Negotiate Strategically, Not Instinctively

“What’s the single-biggest mistake most individuals make in their negotiations?” a seminar participant once asked me. “And what can they do about it?” The biggest mistake? Most individuals negotiate instinctively, not strategically. Assume you’ve always wanted to own...

Using Negotiation Principles Can Enhance Book Value

I recently decided to hire a publicist to help with the publicity for my first book. While my publisher assigned its own publicist, my agent recommended that I also hire a publicist to augment its efforts. Since almost every businessperson has undertaken negotiations...

Temper Your Instinct With Strategy In Negotiations

“I left a fortune on the table because I went against my instincts in that negotiation,” a highly successful businessman and real estate developer told me recently. “Yet I know it’s critical to negotiate strategically and not just rely on your...

Temper Your Instinct With Strategy In Negotiations

“I left a fortune on the table because I went against my instincts in that negotiation,” a highly successful businessman and real estate developer told me recently. “Yet I know it’s critical to negotiate strategically and not just rely on your...

Late negotiating expert still has much to teach us

Harvard Law Professor Roger Fisher, a giant in the negotiation field who co-wrote the bestseller Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, passed away last week. As someone who studied under him and who still teaches his core concepts, I believe it’s...

Temper has no place in negotiations

“On several occasions I got so angry at the other side’s actions that I wrote a nasty e-mail and shot it off. Fortunately, it didn’t destroy the negotiations. But I’m worried my temper will cause bigger problems next time. What should I do?” This comment, from a...

Negotiating As A Team Requires Strategic Planning

You show up and you’re outnumbered three to one. In addition to its regional vice president, the other side includes a technical expert and an administrative assistant whose sole purpose is to take notes. What just happened? If you engage, you will be starting...