Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

Step in Your Counterparts’ Shoes

In her Monday New York Times article, “Trying to Sell Your Business? Think Like a Buyer,” Barbara Taylor asks, “Why is it so difficult for business owners to put themselves in the shoes of a potential buyer?” One of the main reasons is the vast...

Hertz and Dollar Thrifty do the Standards Dance

Hertz Global Holdings Inc. recently announced its plans to buy Dollar Thrifty for $1.2 billion, about $41 per share.  Almost immediately, the standards dance began in the negotiation between Hertz and Dollar’s shareholders, which must approve the deal.  Yesterday, a...

NBA Counterparts do the Standards Dance

In sophisticated negotiations, the parties will typically find the standards that favor their side and use their most favorable standards to independently justify the “fairness” of their positions.  The parties will then negotiate over which standard represents the...

The Standards Dance and Private/Public Compensation

USA Today provides us with another great example of the standards dance – where opposing sides make their case as to why their standards are the “most fair.”  In researching compensation differences between government employees and private sector employees, USA...

Here Are 10 Ways to Break Through a Late Impasse

One of former Chrysler president Lee Iacocca’s most formidable negotiation challenges occurred when Chrysler sought to avoid bankruptcy by negotiating with Congress in 1979 for a $1.5 billion loan guarantee. Most lawmakers initially believed government should not bail...

How to Maintain an Even Hand in Negotiation Process

You arrive at Dick’s office promptly at 10 a.m. for the negotiation and you’re asked to take a seat. Dick, whom you’ve never met, apparently is running late. Thirty minutes later, Dick appears, apologizes for the inconvenience, ushers you into his office and...

Prepare For The Moments That Define The Negotiation

The telephone rang and caller ID showed a number starting with zeros. He was calling from South America and wanted to purchase the rights to something I owned. I was intrigued. The call was undoubtedly pricey, so I figured he must be serious. He was. The opening...

Take Time to Plan Strategy, Negotiate

The vast majority of business professionals and lawyers acknowledge the value of strategic planning. “Of course strategic planning makes sense,” they admit. “We do it all the time, especially in setting our goals.” Yet many of these same...