Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM
A Major NFL Negotiation Mistake

A Major NFL Negotiation Mistake

NFL star quarterback Kyler Murray recently signed a $230.5 million, five-year contract extension with the Arizona Cardinals. On its face, this deal appears great for Murray – making him the second highest paid quarterback in the league behind only the Green Bay...
The Room Where Gun Control Negotiations Happened

The Room Where Gun Control Negotiations Happened

Congress passed the first significant gun control legislation last week in nearly three decades, despite many previous efforts to get something done. What happened in the negotiations that led to this, and how can we apply these lessons to our own negotiations?...
Building a Negotiation Culture

Building a Negotiation Culture

“Our folks don’t think about the sales process as a negotiation. They think the negotiation is just the back-and-forth at the end. This causes problems. How can we reset our culture so they consider the entire effort a negotiation, from their first contact with a...
Dad’s Negotiation Lessons

Dad’s Negotiation Lessons

My Dad recently passed away at 91. He taught me a ton about life and negotiation. Here are my five biggest negotiation takeaways from his over 60 years of negotiating as a lawyer, political and community activist, and father. 1. Set Aggressive Goals and Go For It!...
4 Powerful Strategies in Negotiating with the Elderly

4 Powerful Strategies in Negotiating with the Elderly

My Dad is 91 years old and my Mom is 84. Both are in generally good health, and the years have been pretty kind to them. But their mental and physical conditions have inevitably changed. One significant change – especially as we become more elderly and/or infirm...
A Negotiation Failure with Putin

A Negotiation Failure with Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2007 brought his Labrador to a negotiation at his Black Sea residence with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had a well-known deathly fear of dogs since childhood. In a photo taken at the time, Putin is seen smirking while Merkel...
Annual Lessons Learned to Implement in 2022

Annual Lessons Learned to Implement in 2022

Here’s my annual list of lessons learned from my 2021 columns and a reminder to put these strategies into practice in 2022. You won’t get better results if you don’t implement them. Each also has a link to my column with more detail. Don’t scream at negotiation...
The True Value of Expert Negotiation Training

The True Value of Expert Negotiation Training

I have been training business professionals and lawyers to more effectively negotiate since 1995. I have written this monthly column since 1999. I make my living from the former. The latter is free (including the almost 300 at So here’s the...
How to Negotiate a Raise: Part Two

How to Negotiate a Raise: Part Two

The two most expensive letters in the English alphabet are “O.K.,” which is how many respond when offered a raise. After all, many don’t want to appear greedy or unappreciative by asking for more – even when you deserve it. It can also be scary, as there is always a...
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