The bread and butter of a corporate/transactional lawyer’s professional life involves negotiating contract terms and conditions (“Ts & Cs”). They spend hours every day drafting, analyzing, comparing, discussing, evaluating and then negotiating Ts & Cs....
I recently came across an article about my grandfather Rubin Latz’s death on the front page of the Minneapolis Morning Tribune on December 25, 1948. A long-time Minnesota labor leader and close friend of former U.S. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, I’m told he was...
He had been in the pool deck and resurfacing industry for about 40 years – and he was a talker. He was also the fourth sales professional I met that day. But I was all ears. Why? Because my wife and I weren’t yet firm on what we wanted for our pool decking and patio....
I recently contacted a landscape designer to get a bid on our backyard and he came out to explore our thoughts. After checking everything out, he said he would put together his suggestions. He called a few days later and asked me to come to his nursery so he could...
How long has it been since you were speaking with a colleague and they glanced at their phone to check a text, notification or email? I bet this has already happened to you multiple times today. Or maybe it was your phone that buzzed while you were drafting an email. ...
No one is perfect. And everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are minor, but other times we really mess up. It’s human. Of course, companies mess up, too. So, what can we do, especially if you and/or your company need to repair the relationship and rebuild...
I have an average memory. But I’m always looking to improve. So when my son suggested I read Joshua Foer’s New York Times bestseller “Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything,” I was intrigued. It was a fascinating book, largely because...
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently engaged in one of the most consequential negotiations in U.S. history, as NBC News reported her as the one “fanning the flames” who “played a critical role in delicately nudging” President Joe Biden to withdraw his candidacy...
Whether you love or hate former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, almost everyone can agree that she masterfully wielded the reins of power to accomplish major public policy changes (Obamacare would likely have never passed without her). Of course, her negotiation skills...
If you believe I have a better Plan B than doing a deal with you and can easily walk away from the table, then you will act accordingly. You will also be more likely to respond with a very aggressive counter if you believe my initial move was outrageous. And if you...
Several recent negotiation training attendees asked me how negotiations differ when you’re across the table from a company or individual based in another country or culture. I pointed them to a 2004 column I wrote entitled “Cross-Cultural Negotiations Present Special...
New York Knicks’ superstar NBA guard Jalen Brunson reportedly just took $112 million less in compensation than he could get on the open market so he could stay with the Knicks. Wow! Of course, he’s still getting $156 million over four years! And NBA superstar...