Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

NFL Parties Appear to be Problem-Solving

In a recent article, Mike Freeman reported the meetings between NFL owners and players have changed to a polite environment where “jokes are exchanged… Handshakes are commonplace. So are smiles and chit chat;” much different from the previous...

Overcoming Negotiation Anxiety

A study by Wharton professors Alison Wood Brooks and Maurice Schweitzer found anxious negotiators made initial offers that were 7.5% lower on average than those from non-anxious participants.  From this, the authors conclude negotiators might be able to improve their...

Research Your Counterpart’s Past Tactics

Walgreens had been negotiating a new prescription pricing deal with Express Scripts, Inc. but recently announced the negotiation had failed and it would be ending its relationship with Express Scripts at year end.  Interestingly, Walgreens participated in a similar...

Offer-Concession Language Tips

The language you use in making your offers and concessions and the signal it sends can have a strong impact on whether your offers or concessions will be accepted.  Here are some general tips: Be specific and detailed Explain your rationale and tie your offer to...

Implementing Negotiation Best Practices

As a manager, how can you get your front-line negotiators to change their behavior from instinctive to strategic based on the experts’ proven negotiation research? Here are a couple of tips: 1. Take baby steps. Don’t ask your negotiators to do everything the research...

Effective Listening Techniques

Here are some effective listening techniques suggested by Professor Ralph Cagle at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School: 1.  Want to listen 2.  Stop talking 3.  Don’t interrupt 4.  Pay attention 5.  Eliminate distractions 6.  Encourage your counterpart to...

Precedent Power

NBA Commissioner Daniel Stern, discussing the on-going negotiation between the NBA owners and players’ association, recently pointed out that, “The NFL, which is usually profitable as opposed to the NBA, which isn’t, got [a] double-digit [revenue] reduction from their...

Decision Fatigue and Negotiation

New York Times science columnist John Tierney recently wrote: The more choices you make throughout the day, the harder each one becomes for your brain, and eventually it looks for shortcuts, usually in either of two very different ways. One shortcut is to become...

Avoiding Tough Questions

What should you do if your counterpart asks you a tough question about strategically important information you don’t want to share, like what’s your bottom line or authority?  I would never recommend lying – it’s morally wrong and you will be far less effective if you...

ConAgra: Talk or We Walk

The Street reported today that ConAgra told Ralcorp it would “walk away from its $5.2 billion takeover bid” if Ralcorp doesn’t agree to begin negotiating by September 19th. The threat of a walkout is a tactic usually used for one or more of the following reasons: 1)...

The UAW and Chrysler do the “Standards Dance”

A Huffington Post Business article about contract talks between the United Auto Workers and Chrysler and Ford mentioned that the union had already reached a deal with General Motors which would serve as “a template for the other two companies.” This is a great example...

Splitting the Difference

The NBA owners and players are at impasse in their current collective bargaining negotiation.  The last formal proposals had the players seeking 53 percent of NBA revenues with the owners offering 47 percent.  It was reported today that Commissioner David Stern...
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