Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

Tips for Using Independent Standards

In its Small Business Questions & Answers section, suggests one way to fairly set employee salaries is to rely on third-party salary surveys. Why? Because relying on independent standards, like a third-party salary survey, (1) gives you credibility,...

Hertz and Dollar Thrifty do the Standards Dance

Hertz Global Holdings Inc. recently announced its plans to buy Dollar Thrifty for $1.2 billion, about $41 per share.  Almost immediately, the standards dance began in the negotiation between Hertz and Dollar’s shareholders, which must approve the deal.  Yesterday, a...

Ask Questions. Ask Questions. Ask Questions!

In a recent New York Times article compiling consumer dispute resolution tips submitted by readers, a frequent suggestion was to simply ask, “What would you do if you were in my situation?”  The contributors reported this typically led to the sharing of helpful...

Ten Tips for Negotiating Your Next New Car Purchase

With auto sales on the rebound, you may be in the market for a new automobile.  Here are 10 things to do when negotiating your next new car purchase: 1.  Your first contact with the dealer should be to simply gather information – don’t get sucked into a...

Mediators Restart Boeing Negotiations

Federally-mandated negotiations began recently to resolve an on-going labor dispute between Boeing and striking aircraft workers in Long Beach, California.  Federal mediators from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service convened the negotiations and previously...

Uncover Your Fundamental Interests

At one of my recent negotiation seminars, a participant shared the following story.  A product manufacturer was involved in a dispute with a trade magazine regarding several negative product reviews.  The manufacturer was unhappy because it believed the reviews were...

Size Alone Doesn’t Guarantee a Leverage Advantage

As detailed in The New York Times, Honest Tea is a specialty juice and tea company with 2009 revenues of $47 million. Coca-Cola owns 40% of the company with an option to buy the remainder next year. One of Honest Tea’s products marketed for consumption by children...

NBA Counterparts do the Standards Dance

In sophisticated negotiations, the parties will typically find the standards that favor their side and use their most favorable standards to independently justify the “fairness” of their positions.  The parties will then negotiate over which standard represents the...

The Final Close

In a recent LeClairRyan webinar about successful mediating, attorney Robyn Gnudi Kalocsay pointed out that failing to get the agreed-upon terms in writing can be a critical mistake at the end of the negotiation process.  She said, “You can leave the mediation thinking...

Auction Tactic Makes Seller an Extra $100 Million

The Greenberg-Ryan ownership group, which includes Hall of Fame pitcher Nolan Ryan, recently won bankruptcy court approval to purchase the Texas Rangers baseball team for $593 million.  This came after a 16 hour auction bidding war with Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas...

The Standards Dance and Private/Public Compensation

USA Today provides us with another great example of the standards dance – where opposing sides make their case as to why their standards are the “most fair.”  In researching compensation differences between government employees and private sector employees, USA...

Potash Takes Steps to Improve Its Leverage

The Potash Corporation recently received an unsolicited $38.6 billion offer from BHP Billiton.  When made, BHP’s bid was 16% higher than Potash’s market capitalization.  The Potash board rejected the bid and announced it was seeking additional bids. ...
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