Zoom Negotiations: The Do’s/Don’ts – Part 2
You have a Zoom video negotiation scheduled with a potential new customer. You bid the job a month ago, and you’re a finalist. You wanted to fly to New York to meet in person, but you would have been quarantined as the virus recently spiked in your state. Zoom video...
Zoom Negotiations Benefits & Pitfalls – Part 1
“I want to know HOW we negotiate differently on Zoom and what specialized strategies and tactics I should use in this new environment,” this training attendee asked via chat in a recent webinar on a related subject. We’ve been negotiating forever in person and for...
Email Negotiations Do’s and Don’ts
I couldn’t believe it. Years ago, I was practicing law at a large firm and I used to regularly get research assignments – by email – from the partner whose office was right next to mine. He couldn’t even deign to walk a few feet to give me the assignment...
Negotiating Online in 2020: 5 Strategies to Get Results
In today’s environment, discussing business over a meal is no longer an option. Many might find themselves invited to a Zoom or video meeting for the first time. When in-person negotiations are not an option, taking the time to plan your communication strategy can help you get the best results.

Strategies for Negotiating in a Crisis
Strategies for Negotiating in a Crisis Our tax accountant offered to extend his payment terms to us as he knew our business – which relies in part on in person training – would take a short-term cash flow hit during the stay-at-home part of our current...
Fighting Sexism in Negotiations
Fighting Sexism in Negotiations “He called me ‘honey’ and ‘sweetie’ during our negotiation and it offended me. I have practiced law for a number of years, and I felt like he was diminishing me, my professionalism and my experience. On the other hand, he was elderly...
What Con Men Skills Could (Legally) Help You?
All Successful Con Men & Great Negotiators Do This… It sounds crazy to learn from con men, but they know how their communication produces results. Best of all, these skills don’t require you to be unethical. In fact, your mother would likely agree with...
Negotiation Lessons Learned in 2019 to Improve Your 2020
Incorporate these lessons into your strategic negotiation plans in 2020. Let’s recommit to not just knowing and using them. Better results will follow.

Talk Turkey? Not on Thanksgiving: How to Avoid Awkward Table Topics
I really enjoy discussing and debating politics and public policy. I grew up in a political household – my Dad was a former Minnesota state legislator – and our dinner table conversations often revolved around political issues and how to help others (the noblest...