In the original hit CBS series “Survivor,” 16 participants started out on an island together and, one by one, they voted off their colleagues until only one remained. That “Survivor” won, taking home the $1 million prize. How did he win? His strategy largely revolved...
We’ve all seen the pictures of negotiators sitting at the table — one team facing off against the other. Importantly, each team almost always includes at least several individuals. Often, in fact, each team includes multiple players, each of whom may play a...
“She has the power to make or break us. It would be great if we get the patent. But if we don’t, it will be a serious problem for the defensibility of our product. How do we increase our likelihood of success?” A critical issue here – how to negotiate with government...
“I feel like I’m a pretty effective negotiator,” he said. “Of course, there’s always room to improve, but I’m fairly sure I’m not leaving much on the table. Unfortunately, I don’t have the same confidence in my team....
How can you tell if your front-line negotiators are on track or if they’re running a big risk of messing up? This question is especially important early on for managers, when they may want to revise their team’s strategy and/or just avoid wasting their team’s time and...
“I’m frustrated,” some managers tell me. “We provide negotiation training. We create negotiation best practices. We attempt to manage to them. But many of our front-line negotiators still resist negotiating strategically and just keep doing it instinctively. “I know...
What’s the most effective way in today’s economy to increase your margins, close more deals and improve your team’s success rates without spending a lot of money in the process? Answer: Creating, implementing and managing negotiation best practices....
P.F. Chang’s is expanding internationally and doing well despite our economic challenges. How? By increasing operational efficiencies, lowering costs and training its personnel to do things better, according to Newsweek. How can your organization position...
I used to be skeptical of claims that gender made a significant difference in a person’s negotiation effectiveness. I have negotiated for and against many women over the years and taught thousands of women to more effectively negotiate. Only rarely did I feel...