Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

Empathy a Critical Skill to Use in Negotiations

Ambassador Dennis Ross, Chief Middle East peace negotiator during the George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton presidencies, has an “empathy rule” in his negotiations. “To gain the hardest concessions,” he writes in Statecraft, “prove you...

Parenting, negotiating playbooks are similar

I have an eight and a three year old and, like all kids their ages, they can be challenging. So I recently read the classic parenting book “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk,” by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. Interestingly, much of its...
Know When It’s Appropriate To Negotiate

Know When It’s Appropriate To Negotiate

“Do you negotiate everything?” a friend recently asked me. “And even if everything is negotiable, should you? When and where should you turn it off?” These questions raise critical issues all negotiators should consider. First, let’s define what we mean by...

Don’t negotiate in these situations

I have been accused by my wife on occasion of negotiating too much – and she is right. Even though I enjoy the process immensely, sometimes I spend too much time and effort trying to get the absolute best deal when I might be better off just walking away or graciously...

Technology-Related Deals Present Special Challenges

It was a “bet the company” deal, so we spent hours putting together a strategic negotiation plan and a detailed request for proposal to develop our software. Then we solicited bids from qualified firms. Five parties bid, and our negotiations began. Around...

How technology has changed negotiations

I recently attended a seminar in which a technology expert suggested “the mobile platform [of smart phones and tablets] will rule” much of our future activities, and he may be right. But one thing I know for certain – this technology revolution has already...

Internet, apps have changed negotiation landscape

My wife recently saved us significant money on new furnishings for our family room. In shopping around, she found surprisingly large price differences for identical products. Similarly, a training program attendee recently told me he received three very different bids...

Negotiating As A Team Requires Strategic Planning

You show up and you’re outnumbered three to one. In addition to its regional vice president, the other side includes a technical expert and an administrative assistant whose sole purpose is to take notes. What just happened? If you engage, you will be starting...

Tips for internal team negotiations

“I really don’t connect very well with my colleague. We just don’t have much in common. But we have to work together to successfully complete this project. What should I do?” Many of us have been in this situation. And it’s not ideal. But unless you’re the CEO, you...