Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

Some wise words on dealmaking

I was recently asked by a client to share my favorite negotiation-related quotes, so here they are plus some thoughts on each. “The single most powerful tool for winning a negotiation is the ability to walk away from the table without a deal.“ – Harvey Mackay,...

Get what you want: Execs share 3 secrets of the deal

I recently asked two very successful negotiators for their top three most effective negotiation strategies. The first, Chip Fisher, is a long-time investment banker. The other, who asked for confidentiality, is the President of a large public company in the Midwest....

Late negotiating expert still has much to teach us

Harvard Law Professor Roger Fisher, a giant in the negotiation field who co-wrote the bestseller Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, passed away last week. As someone who studied under him and who still teaches his core concepts, I believe it’s...

Negotiation Resolutions for the New Year

I recently asked one of the best negotiators I know – a lawyer for over 50 years – for his single most critical pearl of negotiating wisdom. This lawyer, who happens to be my 82-year-old Dad, surprised me by saying it was something he only really focused on relatively...

Spoonful of Sugar Helps Negotiations

The negotiation lasted 20 years, involved a brilliant business visionary against a very difficult personality, and resulted in two excellent movies, including one of the most iconic movies ever. The negotiation was between Walt Disney and P.L. Travers, the author of...

Jazz up your negotiation skills by emulating musicians

What can we learn from jazz musicians about negotiation? Seemingly little. Yet a new book on negotiation by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Wheeler, The Art of Negotiation: How to Improvise Agreement in a Chaotic World, makes a compelling case that jazz and...

Negotiation lessons to put into practice

I recently concluded a few negotiations – business and personal – and learned and confirmed some things that have universal applicability to many negotiations. I have added these to my personal list of Negotiation Lessons Learned so they are front and center for me in...

3 negotiators share their most effective strategies

I recently led a seminar with a panel of six expert negotiators from the legal and business worlds, and I asked each to share their most effective negotiation strategies. Here are some of their “pearls of wisdom” along with my thoughts on them. Three of the experts’...

Words of negotiation wisdom, Part 2

Last month I shared the most effective negotiation strategies ever used – “pearls of wisdom” – by three of the six panel members from the legal and business worlds in a seminar I recently led. Here are the remaining three. Danny Ortega, Board Chair, National...