Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM
How to Use Imposed Deadlines to Your Advantage

How to Use Imposed Deadlines to Your Advantage

“If we only had a little more time, I’m sure we could have reached a deal. We were so close.” I can’t tell you how many times I have heard a variation of this “we were so close” statement. Every time, the speaker sounds sincere. Almost every time, they’re wrong. Why?...
What to do when time and knowledge is short

What to do when time and knowledge is short

“What should I do if I don’t have nearly the same level of factual knowledge as my counterpart – and I just don’t have the time to learn it as it’s super complicated and I have a short deadline in which to respond?” Here’s what I recommend. 1.    ...

Learning How to ‘DEAL’ With Threats in the Workplace

“Go ahead, make my day,” said Clint Eastwood as inspector “Dirty” Harry Callahan in the movie “Sudden Impact.” This threat, backed up with a large gun and delivered to a “punk” holding a hostage, was very effective — as intended. But what about less violent...

Sometimes ‘principles’ aren’t set in stone

How many times have you heard in a negotiation “but it’s the principle involved”? Countless times, I’m sure. But is it really? Or is it just a subterfuge for “I don’t want to move and calling it a principle is a convenient and relatively painless way to avoid doing...

Learn How To Say ‘No’ And Still Preserve Relationships

Our son turned 2 recently, and he seems to have a newfound desire to tell us “no.” He is increasingly testing his limits and boundaries, which often involves him saying “no” to us, and vice versa. How he communicates “no” and how we respond represents a critical stage...

Look for Realistic Alternatives to Any First Offering

I was driving south on the Squaw Peak around 9:30 a.m. when the engine missed. Despite my mechanical ignorance, I knew something was wrong. My only question – whether I could nurse it to the shop without destroying the engine. I gambled, and five minutes later drove...

Market Value May Not Matter if Product, Service is Unique

“This is a fair and reasonable price,” my real estate agent told the potential buyer’s agent. “Just look at its market value based on the comparable houses sold in this neighborhood.” One of the most effective moves in many negotiations occurs when parties invoke...