Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM
Top Ten Negotiation Mistakes: Part One

Top Ten Negotiation Mistakes: Part One

I have a confession to make – despite having spent an enormous amount of time in the last 25 years studying, teaching and consulting on negotiations full-time, I have made some negotiation mistakes.  In fact, I would suggest that everyone – even the most...
4 Pandemic Negotiation Lessons

4 Pandemic Negotiation Lessons

I was shocked and dismayed a year ago when millions of us were grounded and effectively sentenced to house arrest as the world confronted the pandemic that upended many of our lives and livelihoods. Since then, we have all personally and professionally adapted in...
Top Tips for Negotiating with Screamers

Top Tips for Negotiating with Screamers

Top Tips for Negotiating with Screamers “What should you do if your counterpart loses it and starts yelling? Does reason and rationality even matter at that point?” Almost all of us have faced this issue, which was raised by a recent virtual training program attendee....
How to Negotiate Better in 2021 — Lessons from 2020

How to Negotiate Better in 2021 — Lessons from 2020

As we put 2020 in our rearview mirror, here’s my annual list of lessons learned and a reminder to put these strategies into practice in 2021. You won’t get better results unless you implement them. Each guiding principle also has a link to my column with more...
Evaluating What’s Really Important in Negotiations

Evaluating What’s Really Important in Negotiations

My 15-year-old son recently said “everyone just wants more money” in salary. I disagreed. In fact, I told him, millions of people accept jobs that pay less in order to get more in non-financial benefits, like job satisfaction, time off, flex time, job security,...
Top 5 Tips for Negotiating with Family During Quarantine

Top 5 Tips for Negotiating with Family During Quarantine

My wife says I’m driving her crazy. I’ve been cooped up working from home and off the road since mid-March, a common predicament during this pandemic. I typically travel around 10 days a month doing in person keynotes and training programs. Not now. It’s all online. ...
Nice Guys Don’t Finish Last in Negotiations

Nice Guys Don’t Finish Last in Negotiations

Do “Nice Guys” actually have an advantage in negotiations? It’s commonly thought that cut-throat, dog-eat-dog negotiators win, but what’s the truth? I was nervous when I started Harvard Law School in 1989. I had heard what they told incoming...
Trump Gets an “F” as a Presidential Negotiator

Trump Gets an “F” as a Presidential Negotiator

“President Trump was elected because he is an outstanding negotiator,” said White House spokesman Brian Morgenstern recently regarding the recent stimulus negotiations.  He may have been elected in part due to this perception, but he is perhaps the worst presidential...