Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

Golden Rule Three: Employ “Fair” Objective Criteria

“I just want what’s fair and reasonable,” a friend said in the midst of his divorce. “That’s not too much to ask, is it?” “Of course not,” I replied. “The key here, though, is how to determine what’s fair and reasonable. I suspect you have a very different perception...

The Power of Objective Criteria

Consider this quote from a recent New York Times article about Derek Jeter playing in the last year of his 10-year, $189 million contract: “Per team policy, the Yankees do not negotiate contract extensions during the season.” Jeter, one of the best...
Retail Store Negotiation Tips

Retail Store Negotiation Tips

I sold children’s shoes in high school at Dayton’s Department Store, and we took everything back – no questions asked. The shoes could have been worn for a day or a year. Dayton’s policy was clear: the customer is always right on returns Of course, some took advantage...
How to Raise Your Rates

How to Raise Your Rates

When I practiced law in the mid-1990s, my law firm sent out its new fee rates every January. And our clients basically just said “ok.” Our rates would go up a bit each year, and it was generally viewed as no big deal. With the incredibly competitive marketplace these...
The Power of Pattern Bargaining

The Power of Pattern Bargaining

I remember taking a labor history course in college years ago that opened my eyes to the hostile and contentious record of union-management negotiations going back to the advent and growth of unions in the late 19th and early 20th century. Violence was not that...
Dad’s Negotiation Lessons

Dad’s Negotiation Lessons

My Dad recently passed away at 91. He taught me a ton about life and negotiation. Here are my five biggest negotiation takeaways from his over 60 years of negotiating as a lawyer, political and community activist, and father. 1. Set Aggressive Goals and Go For It!...
How to Negotiate a Raise: Part Two

How to Negotiate a Raise: Part Two

The two most expensive letters in the English alphabet are “O.K.,” which is how many respond when offered a raise. After all, many don’t want to appear greedy or unappreciative by asking for more – even when you deserve it. It can also be scary, as there is always a...
3 Business Startup Negotiation Lessons

3 Business Startup Negotiation Lessons

About 15 years ago I started a negotiation software company and began a series of some of my most professionally challenging negotiations. Failing at any of them could have marked the death knell of the company. Here are three lessons I learned from those start-up...